Saturday, May 27, 2006

Another 10k

I completed another 10k run today, the Calcutta Run. It was mostly through the Pheonix park again, but a small part was through streets, which was an interesting change. I finished today's 10k in 47:36, a minute slower than in the BUPA run. I had been hoping to better my last time, and do it in under 45 minutes. But I couldn't feel too surprised as my preparation had been lacking this time around. A fast time was hindered too by the strong wind, which everyone remarked made the running very tough. But I was happy with my performance, given the circumstances, and felt I ran smarter and harder than before, even if I was physically less strong. The run was very well organised, and the mostly volunteer force who organise the Calcutta run every year deserve a lot of praise. We had a good warm up session before the race, lots of stewards during, and even more afterwards, including a goody bag, barbecue, and a bar. Only in Ireland is a jog a drinking occassion. :-)

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Champions of Europe At Last

Today in Cardiff the hopes and dreams of a nation were realised. The Red Tide of Munster finally swept its way to European glory. Every Munster fan who had watched their team so narrowly repelled in the Heiniken Cup these past seven years, and in doing so shared in the pain of their team, had the weight of past defeats lifted from their shoulders. Congratulations to the heroes of Munster, who after so much trying finally ascended to their rightful place as European champions. I am overcome with joy.

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Oh The Pain!

My quest to lift 35,000kgs came to a painful end last weekend when I pulled a muscle in my shoulder. I had reached the 1/4 point of my "month of weights", having completed 250 reps, when my arm decided the task was beyond me. I had been keeping to my schedule ok, but the 32 reps a day necessary to achieve my goal of 1,000 reps by month's end didn't allow me sufficient time to recover after each training session. Now my shoulder has been really sore for over a week, and it is keeping me from playing badminton and doing other things. So I guess it goes to show, if you are trying to get fit, don't expect to do it all in one go.