Another 10k
I completed another 10k run today, the Calcutta Run. It was mostly through the Pheonix park again, but a small part was through streets, which was an interesting change. I finished today's 10k in 47:36, a minute slower than in the BUPA run. I had been hoping to better my last time, and do it in under 45 minutes. But I couldn't feel too surprised as my preparation had been lacking this time around. A fast time was hindered too by the strong wind, which everyone remarked made the running very tough. But I was happy with my performance, given the circumstances, and felt I ran smarter and harder than before, even if I was physically less strong.
The run was very well organised, and the mostly volunteer force who organise the Calcutta run every year deserve a lot of praise. We had a good warm up session before the race, lots of stewards during, and even more afterwards, including a goody bag, barbecue, and a bar. Only in Ireland is a jog a drinking occassion. :-)